Seattle local politicians do crazy stuff at Candidate Survivor

That was Seattle City Councilman Tim Burgess remixing Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" at last night's Candidate Survivor event. And it wasn't even the most ridiculous thing at the quasi-political event.


If you ever wanted to see a bunch of old part-time politicans proclaiming their support for marijuana legalization and rapping in Japanese, Candidate Survivor was crafted for you. It's organized by the great organization Washington Bus (who I've been volunteering with at the Capitol Hill Block Party and elsewhere) and Seattle stalwart indie newspaper The Stranger. It was essentially a debate, talent show, and popularity contest all rolled into one. Skinny dipping was admitted to, cookies were made and thrown out on stage, and 60+ year old councilpeople talked about sexting and danced around to disco music.


The pictures on the "Hella Bus" blog are great, so check them out. And man, this city council is refreshingly liberal. When there's 0/20 people on stage who are against same sex marriage, and our mayor is actively advocating marijuana legalization, I'm glad to be living in Seattle. The biggest arguments were about tunnels and trains -- they were functional and economic in nature, rather than emotional or partisan. I was happy to see the different breeds of progressive, rarely noticed in national politics.

Other cities should learn from Candidate Survivor and lighten things up. The humor and playful competition make our political system feel in touch, active, and actually likeable. We need more of that.